
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2016

Trash bag

Halo. So, today is Friday night. No. Im not free fuck you, just finished typing for manga. You know kak nobu and I made bahasa scanslation group HAHA. It mainly contains BL dont hope too much. Yay for gays. Anyway I finished my fucking literature review for medsmo I'M LITERALLY FREAKING HAPPY HOW CAN I FINISH THAT LIKE FUCK? SCIENCE LOL. but I dont know if that will get 10 best entry cos I really wanna visit solo that much. Not really,there is next competition in usu, wanna meet nube so much 💓💓💓😂😂😂 Anyway I get a novel "lelaki terindah" from gramed since months ago but dont have time to read it like wtf the cover is so sexy there is abs on it lol I read first chapter but not my cup really, my master is harada so you know what I like lolol. My friend asked me to sleepover and studying together. Shit. I cant reject beauitful girl invitation. But im in no mood for studying. BUUUUT EXAM IS ON THE WAY WHYYYY WHYYYY I dont know if I have written this ir not but ...

If you forget me

I want you to know  one thing.  You know how this is:  if I look  at the crystal moon, at the red branch  of the slow autumn at my window,  if I touch  near the fire  the impalpable ash  or the wrinkled body of the log,  everything carries me to you,  as if everything that exists,  aromas, light, metals,  were little boats  that sail  toward those isles of yours that wait for me.  Well, now,  if little by little you stop loving me  I shall stop loving you little by little.  If suddenly  you forget me  do not look for me,  for I shall already have forgotten you.  If you think it long and mad,  the wind of banners  that passes through my life,  and you decide  to leave me at the shore  of the heart where I have roots,  remember  that on that day,  at that hour,  I shall lift my arms  and my roots will set off  to seek an...




udah selesai dari minggu kemarin cuma lupa upload.... sumber : banyak. all textbook mainly harrison endocrine, greenspan, dll

Saya capek

Gimana ya. Kemarin gue ikut jumat barokah. Yg bicara dokter rizky, ttg iron overload tikus thalasem. Ceritanya jantungnya atropi, nah kenapa bisa gitu ? Kan harusnya hipertop karena overwork ataupun diabet karena yaitulah gue ga ngerti yg dijelasin semalam berasa bego bgt pas diskusi. Gue mah iya iya aja. Denger mana tau inget dan berguna walau gak ngerti. Terus barusan kakak tim src ng babat juara di amsw. Seneng liatnya. Gue jadi pengen nyelesain litrev medsmo yg gatau jadi apa ngga. Di sisi lain bulan depan gue ikut imo tapi persiapan seadanya. Gaada yg bimbing jg gw males. Pelajaran numpuk, akhir okt uas. Dari minggu lalu gue tidur mulu, bangun siang. Haduh. Kemarin sore upgrading cimsa sampai malem ttg marketing dan advokasi. Kadang gw bingung. Ketika jumat barokah semuanya terlihat keren, mereka pinter gue pengen kaya mereka. Baru kepala tiga udah phd. Biomol, percobaan lab, semuanya. Gue iri gue pengen. Pas gue di cimsa, gue juga kagum sama mereka yg ga pinter eksak aja tapi ...

Idul adha 1937 H

Hi.. Today is idul adha. I went to gor jati for ied pray at 7. We finished around 8. Theh I immediately went home and studying... :(( No I watched "bakemono no ko" and it was great. I need to watch more anime movie but many of them are romance im disgusted. Anyway mom called me and she cooked rendang, daun ubi tumbuk santan kental, sambal ijo terong ikan jenggot2, kerupuk, and many more. While I'm here earing scramble egg with kecap :( I think this month I havent spend 50k for eating but my money gone nowhere for useless thing like iuran sana iuran sini. Annoying :(( Tomorrow we have class until 4 then research upgrading until 6. Huhu so tired. I'm done with research I dont care I just like manga I don't care science hnggggggg :(( but I dont have wifi so I cant read freely. Yesterday I went to MRU and read SNK chapter 85. The basement finally is shown and wtf with that photo zzzzzzzzz I dont care, erwin already died...fuck I downloaded otomen game too yesterd...

My problem : what myself vs others expect

Sesungguhnya gue lelah Gue adalah tipe orang yg gak suka di susahin, di sibukin, atau dipaksa. Semenjak masuk kuliah gue makin kesel dan sebel menjalani masa masa ini. Di kampus gue ikut dua organisasi, cimsa dan src, semacam klub ilmiah sains. Hobi gue di RL adalah baca yaoi gentai, nonton yaoi hentai, denger blcd dan semua mua yg berhubungan dengan anime dan jepang. Korea kadang. Semenjak ngampus, gue kayak terkekang. Gimana ya , gue itu cuma pengen belajar dg baik, ipk memuaskan, dan hobi RL tetep jalan. Tapi hidup ga segampang itu coy. Gue ikutin dua organisasi itu supaya gue berubah. Bukan gue gak suka sama diri gue yg pemalas dan wibu, tapi pengen agak berguna sedikit. Di src gue seneng lihat kating2 yg berprestasi dan gue pengen kaya mereka, ke luar kota dan negri harumin nama almamater. Gue maksa diri ikutan salah satu lomba dg buat litrev, gue semangat, gue nemu ide, tapi pas mau nulis itu jadi ngblank sama sekali dan gue merasa gerah jadi kaya nulia litrev itu tugas kam...

[MEDICAL QUIZ] #2 Obstetry and Gynecology

A 29-year-old African-American woman with  menometrorrhagia undergoes ultrasound of the pelvis, which reveals uterine masses. Biopsy shows a whorled pattern of smooth muscle . A gross specimen from a patient with similar pathology is shown below. These masses are  most commonly associated with which of the  following conditions? (A) Enlargement during pregnancy (B) Formation of chocolate cysts (C) Malignant transformation (D) Pelvic inflammatory disease (E) Postmenopausal metastasis The correct answer is A. Leiomyomas, or fibroids, are common smooth muscle tumors that are most often seen in African-American  women and present with multiple masses.  These tumors are benign and can be associated with dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain),  menorrhagia/menometrorrhagia (heavy prolonged bleeding), infertility, and abnormal pelvic exams including palpable masses extending from the uterus. Because they are estrogen  sensitive, they tend to increase in siz...

[DRAFT FK Unpad] EMS CASE 1 - Hypoplasia of Pituitary (MPHD)

Hi guise I promise this term Im gonna make draft every week and thankfully I make it!!! 1st week of EMS is about hypoplasia of pituitary. I forget to take the case pictures, so now I will just upload the learning issue. Btw I sleep over at Iffa's flat now hueheuhehe free wifi for alone cos she goes to "TELESCOPE", a project of SCOPE CIMSA. CLICK FOR LArGER PICTURE btw how do i upload pdf.... download here pdf!yQZUkCzC